JetBackup: Major upgrade from 4.x to 5.x

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We’ve been seeing issues where the change from JetBackup 4.x to 5.x using the JetApps migration pathway has left some configurations wrongly compiled, leading to backups not generating as they should be. Root cause is the migration script provided by JetApps replacing a critical piece of config with another non-configured option.

This is disappointing, however the quality of the migration pathway wasn’t ideal. JetApps made some critically poor decisions when building JetBackup 4.x that led to them having to fully rewrite the codebase. We’re glad to be across to 5.x, however these issues aren’t welcome! We’ll be working to rectify all issues through the day.

Please let us know if you’re seeing issues within your Hosting/Server environment so we can double-check your configuration. JetBackup hasn’t been reporting any failures, which has led to the issue taking a while to uncover.

Thank you for your patience as we work to (re-)finalise these upgrades, and return to normal backup service.



JetBackup 4.x has now been removed from all licensed servers. Thanks for your patience.

Please let us know if you have any issues with or questions about JetBackup 5!

Entretien planifié

Hi there,

This is an advisory notice about our upcoming planned upgrades from JetBackup 4.x to 5.x.

Sadly, as the software upgrade is extensive, there isn’t much compatibility between the major versions. While we’ll be able to import the 4.x configurations to 5.x, backups aren’t compatible so we’ll be retaining 4.x and 5.x on all impacted servers for a full cycle (before we can go-ahead with removing 4.x across the board).

During this window, we will be installing JetBackup 5.x alongside 4.x (where the server isn’t new enough to have been installed onto the 5.x branch initially), importing the 4.x configuration into 5.x, disabling the backup jobs under 4.x while retaining the backups that have been created to-date. From there, we will update this incident once sufficient time has passed that we’re able to remove JetBackup 4.x from all impacted servers.

We appreciate that this is frustrating and apologise for how JetApps have gone about the major upgrade. The software is refreshingly good compared to most options in the market, and having tested JetBackup 5.x extensively we can report that performance is better, the interface is nicer to use, and overall the experience is improved. There shouldn’t be a similar upgrade of JetBackup in the future with such intense incompatibilities.

Please let our Tech Support team know if you have any queries or concerns about this work!


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The Network Crew Pty Ltd (TNC)

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